

  • DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux): Linux無碟環境
  • Clonezilla: 裸機備份還原軟體
  • DRBL-WinRoll: DRBL於MS Windows搭配套件
  • Tux2live: Linux Live 系統打包工具
  • Partclone: 分割區備份還原程式

Software Features:

  • Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL) - Diskless Linux environment
  • Clonezilla- Bare metal recovery tool
  • DRBL-Winroll- A tool to automatically change the host name, group name, and SID in MS Windows
  • Tux2Live- A toolkit used to package and copy the Linux Live environment from one hard disk to another
  • Partclone- A tool to backup or restore a partition.