
Clonezilla - 再生龍還原系統

大量部署作業系統的時候(不管是微軟Windows或是Linux),用 Norton Ghost® 製作成印象擋再複製到每台用戶端是現行最常使用的方法。然而適合用來做大量複製的 Symantec Ghost Corporate Edition® 需要不少的費用,而且電腦越多,費用越高。此外,因為它不是自由軟體,所以靈活度不高,不能自己客製化修改。若是使用 Norton Ghost® 又必須一台台的做, 頗為曠時費日。 再生龍Clonezilla提供您一個完整的環境,這是一個整合的系統,包含還原程式以及作業系統。搭配網路開機功能,你可以忘了軟碟或是光碟... 以國家高速網路與計算中心C教室為例,共有41台機器同時進行還原的動作,還原一個5.6 GBytes的微軟Windows XP image到41台客戶端電腦,以群播(multicast)的方式處理,只要10分鐘左右(若採用unicast的話,約需50分鐘)。

You're probably familiar with the popular proprietary commercial package Norton Ghost®, and its OpenSource counterpart, Partition Image. The problem with these software packages is that it takes a lot of time to massively clone systems to many computers. You've probably also heard of Symantec's solution to this problem, Symantec Ghost Corporate Edition® with multicasting. Well, now there is an OpenSource clone system (OCS) solution called Clonezilla with unicasting and multicasting!

Clonezilla, based on DRBL, Partition Image, ntfsclone, partclone, and udpcast, allows you to do bare metal backup and recovery. Two types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live and Clonezilla SE (server edition). Clonezilla live is suitable for single machine backup and restore. While Clonezilla SE is for massive deployment, it can clone many (40 plus!) computers simultaneously. Clonezilla saves and restores only used blocks in the harddisk. This increases the clone efficiency. At the NCHC's Classroom C, Clonezilla SE was used to clone 41 computers simultaneously. It took only about 10 minutes to clone a 5.6 GBytes system image to all 41 computers via multicasting!