
國研院國網中心自由軟體實驗室主要將高效能計算(High Performance Computing)所累積的經驗,以自由軟體的方式呈現成果。相關的開發主要都與高效能計算有關,或者衍生出更廣泛的運用。所開發的軟體包含DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux), Clonezilla, drbl-winroll, Tux2live, Partclone等,這些軟體都可以廣泛運用在高效能計算或者電腦教室中。此外,我們也提供一些鏡射(mirror)服務,包含主要的 GNU/Linux套件,以及相關的自由軟體等下載服務。
The Free Software Lab at the NCHC is focused on developing free software that can be used in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC). All of the software developed by the NCHC’s Free Software Lab is directly related to HPC although it is sometimes applied to other areas outside of HPC as well. The free software developed by the NCHC’s Free Software Labe are: Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL), Clonezilla, DRBL-Winroll, Tux2Live, and Partclone. This free software can be used in HPC or in the computer classroom. Additionally, the NCHC provides mirror services of free software including major GNU/Linux distributions.